Features of Using Kodu Game Lab in Teaching Programming in Elementary School


Авторы: Adel Kaplan, Dmitry Pavlov, Myrad Myradov

Название: Features of Using Kodu Game Lab in Teaching Programming in Elementary School

Аннотация: The article presents the research results on the development of methodological approaches to the propaedeutics programming in primary school using Kodu Game Lab environment. The authors have considered a variety of current trends in primary education programming, and in addition,connection between learning programming with the development of computer thinking, the formation of a “new literacy” and the achievement of the results of primary education. The authors identify seven methodological aspects of using Kodu Game Lab and give examples of their implementation. In addition, the article takes into account the lack of sufficient statistical support for the analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed approaches and formulates further ways of research. But also brings the arguments in favor of the use of the above methodological approaches.

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Для оформления цитирования: Kaplan A., Pavlov D., Myradov M. Features of Using Kodu Game Lab in Teaching Programming in Elementary School // Mathematics and Informatics, Volume 6, Number 1, 2020, p 9-23